The late Alva “Chet” Tetlow, co-captain of the 1938 football team, earned 13 letters at Bluffton in football, basketball, baseball and track. He never failed to win the pole vault event in his college career. He also served as president of the Varsity B Club.
After earning his bachelor’s degree in education, Tetlow turned to teaching and coaching at such schools as Meeker, Salem, West Branch, North Jackson and Sebring, where he led the 1955 football team to an undefeated tri-county championship. In addition to football, Tetlow coached basketball, baseball, track, soccer and golf, and he taught social studies, English, geography and physical education. He was inducted into the Sebring High School Hall of Fame in 1976.
Affiliated with the United Methodist Church, Tetlow served as a Sunday school teacher and superintendent. He was also a chaperon for the 1978 European tour of “America’s Youth in Concert,” an international choral and orchestra association.
“Bluffton College influenced me in many, many ways,” Tetlow said. “Fine people like Coach Burcky and his wife, Dr. Ramseyer, Russell Lantz, H.W. Berky, Agnes Amstutz and M’della Moon were extremely inspirational to me. I know that I am a better person—athletically, academically, religiously, socially—for having attended Bluffton, sharing four years with so many wonderful people.”
Tetlow died in 1999.